Food Packaging

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Year 2024
Category Industrial

The frenetic pace of daily life has pushed consumers to change their habits, including those concerning food. The traditional "schiscetta," or what is known as modern food delivery, has had exponential growth, as has consumers' attention toward food containers.

If this new approach to meals has made the lives of many easier, it has also had a significant impact on the environment. Containers end up as waste or, in the best-case scenario, they are recycled. Volume reduction, recycling, efficient use of space, and sustainability are the undisputed trends that guide consumer choices today and, therefore, the entire sector.

For some time now, we have been looking for a valid alternative to single-use plastic, which has already been banned in many products for several years. But the future of packaging for the food sector is already underway and is being directed towards sustainable development with a view to the circular economy, in other words, to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Studies and research have led to the design of innovative polypropylene packaging to guarantee sustainability, durability, versatility, and efficiency in food preservation.

Poke is an innovative and revolutionary concept designed by MM Design, equipped with an airtight lid. It is lightweight and suitable for hot or cold foods, maintaining both quality and flavor. The container adapts to different temperatures without suffering any deterioration and can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer, or used in the microwave oven. Stackability represents a further advantage, optimizing space and guaranteeing greater manageability and practicality even during transport.

The innovatively designed container features "flip-up" corners that can function as sub-containers for sauces, condiments, or snacks. It is resistant and easy to clean, and it is made of high-quality materials. The reduction of the environmental impact, as well as the economic one, is evident thanks to the possibility of reusing it several times.

If the need for the container no longer exists, perhaps after the purchase of other meals with the same packaging, the container can be delivered to collection points for sterilization and cleaning by special companies, which will arrange for it to be put back on the food market, guaranteeing it new life.

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