Photography & Design

Photography & Design

Photography is an instrument of knowledge in the world capable of interpreting and expressing places, shapes and emotions via the articulation of light. Photos can emphasize, seduce, capture the drama of moments, and immortalize feelings.

The camera makes an idea visible. Furthermore, the photographer’s personal interpretation leads to the understanding of an object through the diffusion of his or her image. There are souvenir photos, like the celebratory, scenic, promotional ones. Relevance can always be given to different details because the world, as seen through the lens of a camera, is different from the one perceived through the naked eye.

Photography has exponentially grown from the first shot in 1833 to today, as has the need to which it responds. We have moved from a world of personal memories to a world of sharing. The advent of social media was one of the most important changes in this area.

A world of images

Another epochal change resulted from the introduction of digital media, which made taking photographs cheaper. The introduction of digital photos has eliminated the cost of each single shot. Additionally, the soaring improvement in photo technology of cell phones has resulted in more than 1.56 trillion of photographs taken per day.

Different opportunities are given to the digital world within photography.

New ways to take pictures

Action cameras are one of these innovations. These are small, very resistant cameras/camcorders, which have transformed the way of sharing, for example, sports adventures. These new cameras are not only used by professional athletes to demonstrate their exploits, but also by common users who appreciate their compactness and versatility.

Another innovation in the world of photography are drones. From the smallest to the largest, drones allow aerial shots that were unthinkable only a few years ago. Their growth prospects are considerable, estimated at around 7% on average per year, projected until 2025.

Used in various sectors, from agriculture to construction, drones allow for the improvement of various production processes and achieve a great success also within the private sector.

Equipment: different photos, different tools

Another trend is the return of digital cameras that were previously analog. Their design manages to revive the old analogue styles by revisiting them in a digital way. They give a particular value to new cameras, which is much appreciated by professionals and passionate amateur photographers who are in search of great quality.

Although cameras are now used to take only 10% of photos, they are still the only tool for professional and high-level photography.

Imagine, for instance, what it means for a photographer to have to wait, motionless, for the right moment to be captured. In this type of photography, as well as for journalistic photographers, lightweight equipment is required which is easily transportable and, at the same time, resistant.

This "seizing of the moment" is very different from the work of the photographer done within a professional studio. In the latter, shots are replicated endlessly until perfection is achieved. In this case, the equipment must give stability and precision so as not to change the desired settings.

In both cases, design facilitates the photograper by designing the right equipment, which is fundamental in achieving the expected results.

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